Browsing all posts tagged with Oblivion.



Crysis... wow. Just... wow. The times, they are a changing.  As much as I adore music, this wasn’t actually a musical quotation, and I can barely ever make out a single word when Bob Dylan sings anyway so I’m hardly going to use him as…

Anti Freeze

Anti Freeze

Being a somewhat grumpy gamer, there are, naturally, many things which irritate and enrage me about my hobby: multiplayer achievements, abusive morons, ‘ists, and ‘obics on LIVE, review score trolling by fanboys, cheating AI, escort missions…however, few inspire apoplexy like the good old fashioned freeze. …

Elder Scrolls Film Rumoured

The lust for game-to-film conversions doesn’t appear to be waning, with Bethesda’s classic RPG series now rumoured to be heading for the silver screen.  Yes, according to VGTribune, ZeniMax Media – parent company to Bethesda have filed a trademark for the term Oblivion, classed…