
Interested in advertising with us? Well, you’re obviously smart, sexy, and possess impeccable taste or you wouldn’t be here, so we’re clearly off to a good start. With quality content, an impressive reach, and a readership covering all genres and tech, GamingLives are well placed to offer a wide variety of advertising opportunities, from standard MPUs through to full site-wide takeovers.

We don’t like dealing with middle men, so we avoid agencies and third party ad content providers, which means you get the same coverage without having to cover any additional fees. This also allows us to be more flexible with our advertisers and tailor the look and feel without fear of compromise.

click for a more detailed look at our various advertising placements

Available Ad Spaces
The image to the right represents our various advertising opportunities, including full site skinning, and the list below details each of the spaces…

  1. Logo Partner (400 x 115 – all pages)
  2. MPU 1 (300 x 250 – home page only)
  3. MPU 2 (300 x 250 – home page only with optional rotation)
  4. Sidebar Button (200 x 120 – all pages)
  5. Wide Skyscraper (200 x 600 – all pages)
  6. Site Takeover (inc Logo Partner and MPU 1 – all pages)
  7. Article Takeover (as above, specific article only)

If you’d like to know more, and have a look at our current rate card, email
Prizes given for the worst email stationery!

Please do not contact us with an offer for ‘featured content’, articles for your clients, sponsored posts or links, or any other type of content where marketing is being disguised as something else.  It’s insulting to our readers to think that they can’t see through it, and we don’t want our readers being insulted. We also don’t accept contextual ad programs, or anything to do with casinos or any form of gambling.  If we wanted any of these, you’d already see them on the site.