GamingLives operates with an open invitation to all aspiring gaming writers to submit their articles, features and reviews with a view to having them published on the site. Every submission will be given full consideration and, in most cases, successful applicants will be notified within 24 hours of receipt, informing them that their article has been accepted. Before proceeding, however, it is important to understand the following…
- Submitting does not guarantee that your article will be published.
- Having your article accepted will not automatically make you a writer for GamingLives, although this is clearly a distinct possibility for the future, but will instead make you a Contributor.
- Your submissions will remain your own intellectual property at all times, and GamingLives will not assume ownership for itself under any circumstances.
- Your work will carry your own by-line and will not be used by any GamingLives writer in whole or part.
- You have the freedom to publish your work elsewhere even while it is being displayed on the GamingLives website – there is no exclusivity assumed.
- Your work may be edited for fluidity and accessibility, but you will be given prior notification and the opportunity to give your approval prior to publishing, should it require heavy editing.
- There is no payment for any articles published – the site is 100% voluntary, although we do reward our writers in other ways. Not sexual.
- The work submitted is 100% your own and does not contain any plagiarised material.
- Do not email us to ask if you can join the team without including a submission, or direct us to already-published material, as we prefer to see raw content in an un-edited format.
It is our preference that articles be a minimum of 750 words long, but we understand that this may not always be possible, depending on the subject matter. We would much rather have enjoyable and passionate content than ask you to pad out your work in order to meet our quota, but please do not feel that you have to keep your articles unnecessarily short either. With that in mind, if you would like to submit any article, feature or review to us, then please email us at with your article in an attachment such as MS Word or Rich Text format, or as regular text within the email itself. For your own peace of mind, we recommend that you also CC someone else when sending your submission to us as proof of the content being sent and to protect you against plagiarism. Ultimately, we want to ensure that you feel comfortable submitting your work to GamingLives.
What does it mean to be a GamingLives writer?
First and foremost, you’d be part of a growing team of passionate gamers who all have the urge to make their thoughts and opinions known. We try to extend as many opportunities to our writers as possible, which can be as simple as providing a reference, explaining the edit process in the hope of advancing their writing technique, or making it possible for them to attend some of the most important events within the gaming calendar, such as PAX, E3, Gamescom, or Eurogamer if you live in the UK and would rather not travel. Our writers have had hands-on time with games a year before their release, interviewed some of the biggest and most-respected names in the business, and attended weekend-long exclusive events where they met with developers, publishers, marketing teams and other key players within the industry. Then, of course, there’s the annual writers-only GamingLives BBQ.
We can’t promise you a foot in the door, or a future within the industry, but we can promise that we’ll do our best for you if that’s what you ultimately want. For now, though, it’s all about the writing. So if you have passion, enthusiasm, opinions, and want your voice heard… then we want to hear from you.
Please do not contact us with an offer for ‘featured content’, or any other type of content where marketing is being disguised as something else. It’s insulting to our readers to think that they can’t see through it, and we don’t want our readers being insulted.