Browsing all posts tagged with Oblivion.

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all done it. The temptation’s gotten the best of us.  Our hearts are racing, minds on fire, praying you’re not caught, hoping no-one comes into the room, because if they do, you’re caught sweating, panting heavily, clutching the controller then turning away quickly and…

Inferior Design

Inferior Design

As well as being a childlike geek with a passion for gaming, I have a rather artistic side. I love painting and sketching, I love writing, I love buggering about with Photoshop and I love admiring other pieces of art – even CD and computer…

Role Play Hero

Role Play Hero

For every genre that exists in gaming, there’s one that’s always held a special place in my giant fluffy heart. Yes, I’ve flirted with other genres and I’ve even enjoyed the company of modern hybrids. But for me, it’s always been about the RPG. No…