Browsing all posts tagged with Oblivion.

Skyrim To Feature Infinite Quests

As if RPGs didn’t suck away enough of our life already, it seems that the upcoming time-sink, Skyrim, will feature infinite quests.  Yep, according to Skyrim director, Todd Howard, in an interview with Wired magazine, Skyrim will boast a “never-ending stream of procedurally generated content,

GamingLives Podcast Episode 7

GamingLives Podcast Episode 7

The GamingLives podcast returns from man flu and brings you that something special this week, no not Avatar items… This week we’ve got soul. The team discuss Halo being the big deal that it is and ask if it was more a case of ‘right…

Lost In Oblivion

Lost In Oblivion

The crowd roars, but the only thing I can hear is my pulse pounding. A minotaur twice my size swings his weapon directly for my head. My shield barely halts the blow, I feel my gauntlet crack from the pressure. Fix it later. The minotaur