Browsing all 653 posts in Gaming News.

X-Com Enemy Unrecognisable?

Well, it had to happen otherwise the world would implode from having something actually go to plan without backfiring.  I am, of course, referring to Game Informer’s latest screenies from the recently announced re-imagining of Microprose’s classic turn based beauty, X-Com: Enemy Unknown.  While 2K…

PAX East 2012 3 Day Passes Sold Out

Anyone still swithering about whether or not they fancy heading to the freezing climes of Boston, USA for PAX East 2012 needs to get their (ice) skates on because according to the official PAX Twitter account, three day passes have already sold out, leaving only…

Colonial Marines Collector’s Edition Leaked?

It would appear that the march of the blaverage boxsets continues apace – at least, that is, if the new leaked pic of the Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector’s Edition is genuine.  Appearing on French game site, Gamekyo, the image appears to be genuine, but…