PAX East 2012 3 Day Passes Sold Out
by GL News
Anyone still swithering about whether or not they fancy heading to the freezing climes of Boston, USA for PAX East 2012 needs to get their (ice) skates on because according to the official PAX Twitter account, three day passes have already sold out, leaving only day passes remaining. If last year’s event was anything to go by, those won’t last long either, especially for the weekend dates.
While the schedule is not currently known, expect showings from Rockstar, Ninty, MS, THQ, Bioware, 2K and many more, showing off their wares for the packed coming year. Since GL won’t be attending this year, we very selfishly hope that Borderlands 2 remains off the cards but, to be honest, it wouldn’t surprise us if it made a showing. Now, a giant fridge with an animatronic Meat Popsicle would be a true booth sight to behold.
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