Browsing all 653 posts in Gaming News.

XCOM Returns… Oh Meier!

If there are two words guaranteed to get us excited and, quite honestly, salivating here at GLHQ, they are “XCOM” and “returns”… as long as they don’t come coupled with “2K” and “Marin”, that is. Yes, according to the rain forest guzzling overly-serialised-exclusives behemoth that…

Syndicate Co-Op Screens

To the horror of many, EA recently announced a surprise ‘reinvention’ of the classic Syndicate, to be developed by The Chronicles of Riddick devs, Starbreeze Studios.  To precisely no one’s surprise, rather than going down the RTS iso route of the original, EA are pulling…

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Announced

It’s been a few years now since Batman got his LEGO makeover, but now the Dark Knight is back for a second round and he’s dragged a few mates along for the ride. TT Games and Warner Bros. today announced the sequel to their previous…