Browsing all posts tagged with Watch_Dogs.

Watch_Dogs – Review

Watch_Dogs – Review

I’m not one for buying into hype, but when Watch_Dogs was unveiled at E3 a couple of years ago, it clearly stole the whole show. Since then, it has been on my radar and was one of the reasons I decided to plunge for a…

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

“the last Richie Report? No.”
Has it really been a month since the last Richie Report? No. It’s been way longer but that’s great as it means I can actually write about some games rather than padding out some bullshit with jokes about piss or…

The Richie Report: Crouching Quotes Hidden Meanings

The Richie Report: Crouching Quotes Hidden Meanings

“delayed fucking”
So, how are you getting on with your new console? What did you get? A PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One? Me, I preordered the PS4 back when the release date and price were announced. As for games I went for THERE ARE…