Browsing all posts tagged with Tomb Raider.

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

“lynch the multiplayer”
Hello readers! It’s only been a month since we last caught up and tons has happened. Aside from lots of interesting news about the incoming next-gen consoles, we’ve also had a fucking stack of games, son. A STACK! August be crazy. First…

The Richie Report: Infinitely Better Than Mundan-o-Shock

The Richie Report: Infinitely Better Than Mundan-o-Shock

Beware the Ides of March! That’s what they told Julius Caesar, and they were right. March is shit, yo. Fucking hell, such slim pickings for this Richie Report that I feel like some sort of game-hungry tramp. It’s just like being the main character in…

Tomb Raider – Review

Tomb Raider – Review

There exists a mantra born from a quote by a man named Eckhart Tolle that reads “Evolve or Die”. Though it was originally used to demonstrate that without reinvention mankind is doomed to repeat the same mistakes ad-infinitum, nowhere does this mantra seem more true…