Browsing all posts tagged with Tomb Raider.

Charted: Drake’s Legacy

Charted: Drake’s Legacy

Sic Parvis Magna – greatness from small beginnings.  If you didn’t learn about Sir Francis Drake’s motto in your history lessons then you might have by playing Uncharted.  Along with coordinates for his supposed burial site off the coast of Panama, the three words…

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – Review

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris – Review

More than anything, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is a welcome return to the classic turquoise-tank-top-wearing, dual-pistol-wielding and less foul-mouthed heroine of the good old days, before she went all moodily post-modern for her deadly serious Lara Begins reboot.  A sequel to 2010’s…

The Survival of Horror

The Survival of Horror

For fans of survival horror, there’s nothing more terrifying than to watch our beloved genre lose its personality, tainted by either the misguided notion that more action-oriented gameplay will increase appeal, or simply descend into outright mediocrity. The indie horror scene may be currently thriving…