Browsing all posts tagged with Star Trek.

Who Wants To Be A Starfleet Millionaire?

YES! I know my Kirk trivia as well as I know my teas! If there’s one thing sure to be dragged out from the woodwork at a party hosted by uber geeks, it’s the board game.  Next up is usually the asshat that thinks they…

Star Trek Online – Season 4: Crossfire

Cryptic Studios, creators of Star Trek Online, have released the next major update, Season 4: Crossfire. Crossfire delivers a major revamp of the ground combat system, changes to the queuing systems for PVE and PVP content, an inbuilt VOIP system and a completely remodelled Klingon…

Star Trek (The Game) – E3 Preview

Star Trek (The Game) – E3 Preview

It’s a no win scenario. The Enterprise sits wounded in the middle of a minefield, held in place by some mysterious energy strings, helpless. She’s locked her systems down to protect herself, something has infected her and she needs her captain. It doesn’t look like…