Browsing all posts tagged with Sony.

PSP2 due in 2011, touch screen?

The internet is one again rife with rumours with the PSP2 successor being at the forefront. VG247 have donned their Inspector Gadget style hats and have unearthed some juicy details, although sadly if sources are to be believed then there’ll be no E3 reveal, which…

Sony to reveal PSN subscription structure

Sources close to VG247 have detailed what could be Sony’s premium service for PSN, set for an E3 release next month. On the table is a subscription model costing no more than £50 per year, but included in that price will be one free PSN…

Generation (s)Kill?

Generation (s)Kill?

Us gamers have found a novel way to get into tight parking spots Walking to work the other day, I had occasion to observe a woman parking her car. All those at the back who just looked at each other with THAT look, you know,…