Browsing all posts tagged with Mass Effect.



funny you should mention that, it's out this week! I’m sorry, that title was a lie – these aren’t FAQs they are just Qs. Qs that you guys asked me recently on our Formspring page, so I’ve picked some of the best and decided to…

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

Gaming Guilty Pleasures

We’ve all done it. The temptation’s gotten the best of us.  Our hearts are racing, minds on fire, praying you’re not caught, hoping no-one comes into the room, because if they do, you’re caught sweating, panting heavily, clutching the controller then turning away quickly and…

Mass Effect Heads For Hollywood

Not that we’re cynical or anything, here at the GamingLives Batcave, but we’re just surprised that it has taken the film studios this long to grab the teets of this particular, potential cash cow. It would seem that the adaptation of games to films continues…