Browsing all posts tagged with Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect Heads For Hollywood

Not that we’re cynical or anything, here at the GamingLives Batcave, but we’re just surprised that it has taken the film studios this long to grab the teets of this particular, potential cash cow. It would seem that the adaptation of games to films continues…

Role Play Hero

Role Play Hero

For every genre that exists in gaming, there’s one that’s always held a special place in my giant fluffy heart. Yes, I’ve flirted with other genres and I’ve even enjoyed the company of modern hybrids. But for me, it’s always been about the RPG. No…

DLC – Downloadable Contentment, or Contention?

DLC – Downloadable Contentment, or Contention?

Cold, calculated, and eager to go in for the kill at any cost... and we're not talking about Ezio Love it or hate it, it seems that downloadable games and content are here to stay. Unfortunately, I suspect this has less to do with what…