Position Of Power
After my last adventure I was sure that would be the last of it. I had gone through a hell of an ordeal and risked life and limb so many times that I lost count in all the excitement. I met and lost countless people,…
After my last adventure I was sure that would be the last of it. I had gone through a hell of an ordeal and risked life and limb so many times that I lost count in all the excitement. I met and lost countless people,…
There are rules to every party. You need to have someone there that craves attention, someone who has to be louder than everyone else and have all focus directed at them. Then there are the random people who just turn up, who talk to no…
As someone who has been lucky enough to travel the gaming universe within the space of six months, starting from PAX East, through the incredible extravaganza that is E3 and finishing off at Gamescom, the thought had never occured to me that there could possibly…