Browsing all posts tagged with Borderlands.

Are Gearbox The New Nukem Devs?

Well, the greatest game that never was just refuses to roll over and take a puff of that famous cigar before expiring.  Yes, where would we be without at least a bi-monthly rumour about Duke Nukem?  Kotaku recently cranked the rumour mill back into life…

New Borderlands DLC Details

Screw you guys, he's taking his ball and going home... If you’ve sampled the pleasures of Moxxi’s Underdome, plundered General Knox’s Armoury, and gathered enough brains to last you a lifetime, then as a Borderlands fan with too much weaponry and not enough Skags to…

Thoroughly Modding Millie

Thoroughly Modding Millie

As a child, my computers were mostly used as tools for exploration and advancement rather than gaming. Whilst I admit to nudging a barely discernible frog across a blocky highway to a blue highway (the river, apparently) with helpful brown rectangles and nasty green rectangles,…