Browsing all posts tagged with BioWare.

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Hands On Preview

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Hands On Preview

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away… actually, 22nd November at W London Hotel in Leicester Square, Bioware were showing off their latest offering to the RPG world: the massively multiplayer Star Wars: The Old Republic .  This is a game that…

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Confirmed

Everyone pretty much expected it to happen, so to no one’s shock and surprise, BioWare today confirmed that Mass Effect 3 would indeed have a multiplayer element.  It will take the form of four player co-op missions, wherein players can choose from a number of…

Population Explosion At The Gathering

Population Explosion At The Gathering

As someone who has been lucky enough to travel the gaming universe within the space of six months, starting from PAX East, through the incredible extravaganza that is E3 and finishing off at Gamescom, the thought had never occured to me that there could possibly…