Browsing all posts tagged with BioWare.

You’re Playing It Wrong!

You’re Playing It Wrong!

I don’t know that to be a fact, of course. You could be playing it right for all I know. Is there a right way to play it?  By “it” I mean games, and by “games” I’m referring to a specific type; namely one that…

Free To Play

Free To Play

Remember back when the only controversy surrounding Mass Effect 3 was to do with its inclusion of an obligatory Horde-alike multiplayer mode?  Okay, so mentioning Mass Effect 3 and the word “controversy” in the same sentence could be misinterpreted, but before I continue can I…

Why Are Gamers Such Whiners?

Why Are Gamers Such Whiners?

If you were to walk into a room that held several dozen gamers and said the words “Half-Life 3” it’s more than likely one of them would start foaming at the mouth. For the last few years the quest to get Valve to make Half-Life…