Browsing all posts tagged with Bethesda Softworks.

Elder Scrolls V In Production?

If it isn’t true, there will be a lot of broken hearts out there, but Eurogamer Denmark have reported (via an unnamed source) that Elder Scrolls V is not only on the cards but is currently in production (and appears to have been so for…

Fallout: New Vegas DLC Revealed

You’d be forgiven if you haven’t finished the massive Fallout: New Vegas yet, however, you may just want to get your skates on because Bethesda have already announced the first New Vegas DLC.  ‘Dead Money’ will be available from 21st December, exclusively on Xbox Live.…

Fallout: New Vegas – Review

Fallout: New Vegas – Review

I tried persuading Jeannie May to let me live in the dinosaur, but she wasn't having it. A rather tall, fiery tempered, Scottish progressive rocker once sang “Call it synchronicity, call it déjà vu” and that’s precisely what sprung to mind in the first ten…