Browsing all posts tagged with Bethesda Softworks.

Battlecry – Preview

Battlecry – Preview

First, there was black. Almost immediately, the darkness clears and you find yourself flanked by a number of new-found allies while, only a few feet in front of you, a horde of oddly-clothed bruisers raise their respective weapons and charge, hell-bent on taking you down…

Wolfenstein: The New Order – Review

Wolfenstein: The New Order – Review

As a long-time player of real-time and turn-based strategies and, more recently, a bit of a western role-playing fanatic, one would be forgiven for thinking that I’m not exactly au fait with the first or third-person shooter genre.  That would certainly be true of the…

The Evil Within – Preview

The Evil Within – Preview

I’ve never had what anyone would describe as a ‘good’ relationship with horror. Sure, we flirted with each other a couple of times and maybe shared an illicit week or two together in the form of Resident Evil 4, but we were never anything…