Browsing all posts tagged with Bethesda Softworks.

Fallout Shelter – Review

Fallout Shelter – Review

When you think of Bethesda, assuming you ignore the fact that most of their releases are bug-ridden prior to being patched countless times, you will hopefully think about immersion.  They’re known for games where the tiniest nooks and crannies can contain so much lore and…

The Evil Within – Review

The Evil Within – Review

Gaming is all about opinions, and it is up to us to respect those opinions lest we become fanboy scum. That goes for all consoles, games, developers, and publishers (although if you’ve got a favourite publisher, please lose my number). Except for one. If you…

The Evil Within – Preview

The Evil Within – Preview

I’m not the best person to comment on whether a game is ‘scary’ or not; I was never a timid child, and watching movies such as Driller Killer, The Burning, and Last House On The Left (among countless others) before I had even…