Browsing all posts tagged with Aliens: Colonial Marines.

The Richie Report: The Copulating Cricket In The Janitorial Supply Cupboard

The Richie Report: The Copulating Cricket In The Janitorial Supply Cupboard

“inventing arses”
It’s a new day, it’s a new year for me… and I’m feeling sassy. Despite the excessive swearing and overall ranty nature of the Richie Reports of 2012, it wasn’t such a bad year. Sure, there were issues – GAME not getting finished

Operation 2012: Part Two – 2013

Operation 2012: Part Two – 2013

Atttennnnn-hut! At ease, soldiers. Not you, Jenkins. Now, you’re probably wondering why I brought you back here, and let me assure you that once we’re done here we can all go back to our piles of shame, because mine’s starting to look like Keel-a-man-jaro! Don’t…

Aliens: Colonial Marines Delayed Until 2013 – Non-Shocker

"Have you been injured in an accident at work?..." Well, what did you expect… it has been delayed constantly over the last few years, so why not just a little longer?  Yep, today comes the news that SEGA’s Aliens: Colonial Marines has been delayed until…