Browsing all posts tagged with wild west.

Hard West – Review

Hard West – Review

If, like me, you prefer to watch movies without knowing much about them, then From Dusk ‘Til Dawn probably took you by surprise.  It started off similar to a Tarantino movie, where it was all about characterisation and subtle exposition.  You’d learn about those on…

Third Call of Juarez Game For Summer ’11

Well, it seems that the Deadwood stage is, once again, comin’ on over the hill as Ubisoft announce the threequel to their Call of Juarez franchise.  Currently in development by Techland, the third game is set for a summer release and is entitled Call of…

Red Dead Redemption – Review

Red Dead Redemption – Review

In terms of genre penetration, the Wild West doesn’t really stand up to the likes of Science Fiction or the goliath that is Fantasy and, with past games not doing anything spectacular, you could probably look upon Rockstar with curious vision. The curious gaze won’t…