Browsing all posts tagged with War Games.

Modern Warfare 3 – Review

Modern Warfare 3 – Review

Okay, I’ll admit it; the epic finale of Modern Warfare 2 left me more than a little bit breathless and, having been a COD fangirl for the better half of a decade, Modern Warfare 3 was anything but a mere blip on my radar. In…

Men Of War: Condemned Heroes For Q1 2012

Following on from their success with Men of War: Assault Squad and Men of War: Vietnam, Lace Mamba Global have today announced that they will also be taking up the publishing mantle for the latest installment in the series: Men of War: Condemned Heroes.  The…

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad – Review

Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad – Review

It’s said that the game industry’s fascination with the Second World War has now run twice as long than the war actually did. Given that the original multiplayer FPS was centred around killing Nazis (or mutated/undead/robotic versions of them, at least) back in 1992, you’d…