Browsing all posts tagged with Thief.

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s a FESTIVE END OF YEAR RICHIE REPORT all up in your sweet, baffled faces. I’m coming down YOUR CHIMNEY and I’ve got a bag full of OPINIONS. Of course, Christmas isn’t quite what it…

Thief – Review

Thief – Review

If you’ve read a lot of the press around the release of Thief you could be forgiven for thinking that it’s a terrible game; it’s been getting a lot of 7s and we all know that in games journalism a ’7′ is pretty much the…

The Richie Report: Crouching Quotes Hidden Meanings

The Richie Report: Crouching Quotes Hidden Meanings

“delayed fucking”
So, how are you getting on with your new console? What did you get? A PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One? Me, I preordered the PS4 back when the release date and price were announced. As for games I went for THERE ARE…