Browsing all posts tagged with tanks.

Susume Tactics – Review

Susume Tactics – Review

Sometimes, a general requires a great strategic mind to win a battle. Knowing where to place the right troops, what’s more effective in certain areas, and what time to attack are all key things to remember. And the satisfaction of making all these components work…

War of the Human Tanks – ALTeR – Review

War of the Human Tanks – ALTeR – Review

I’d like you to imagine playing chess. Get it fixed nice and firmly in your mind, setting up your pieces, arguing over who gets to play black or white and, finally, moving those pieces around the board. Now I’d like to imagine that you’re playing…

War Thunder – Preview

War Thunder – Preview

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind . . . Orr would be crazy to fly more