Browsing all posts tagged with tanks.

Tankfest with

Tankfest with

If you’ve been following our E3 coverage, here at GamingLives, you’ll remember that one of my first appointments was with, to take a look at the upcoming World of Warplanes, which is currently in closed beta.  The game looked excellent and I had a…

Box Shaped Heart

Box Shaped Heart

Firm, smooth, and with a sexy sheen in your sweaty grip, the old adage that bigger is better may well be true… at least in terms of games. Or, rather, boxes.  For some of us, gaming doesn’t just begin with the intro, tutorial, or pummelling…

Steel Armour Blaze Of War To Invade In 2012

Tanks.  We love em.  Big meaty pieces of metal with which to crush enemies and stun any snooty valet parking attendant into silence.  German game distributor, UIG Entertainment have announced that Steel Armour Blaze Of War will be released early next year.  The game is…