Browsing all posts tagged with Soul Calibur 5.

The Richie Report: Batman, Birds and Brutal Battleships

The Richie Report: Batman, Birds and Brutal Battleships

That’s right. The Richie Report is back and, handily, after a couple of months of bugger all getting released, there are actually games out now. Yep, Xmas-slippage-February is here and brings with it the following tasty morsels of release-o-news. Soul Calibur 5. Right, admit it.…

The Richie Report: The Resident Raccoon Syndicate

The Richie Report: The Resident Raccoon Syndicate

Hello and welcome to The Richie Report. Over the coming weeks/months/years (delete based on how good the next few paragraphs are), I’ll be spouting off about the state of the gaming nation in a barely comprehensible fashion, like your friendly neighbourhood hobo or christian. Albeit…