Browsing all posts tagged with Sorcery.

Sorcery! – Review

Sorcery! – Review

If you’re of a certain age, and have a penchant for all things fantasy, there are two things that will undoubtedly have taken up much of your childhood: text adventures, and ‘choose your own adventure’ books.  On the off chance that you’ve never heard of…

Sorcery Screens Conjured Up

If there is one thing that actually does lend itself well to motion control, we at GLHQ think it is magic.  After all, magic involves waving things about, whether it is your arms, a wand, or a smooth, stiff rod.  Can we get a wahey? …

Make a Move, Sony

Make a Move, Sony

E3: the biggest cock waving event of the gaming calendar. On Monday Microsoft waved their Kinect about, yesterday morning Miyamoto struggled to get his four year old Wiimote to work and yesterday afternoon, Sony got their glowing end out. It was glorious. Before that however,…