Browsing all posts tagged with single player games.

A Losing Battle

A Losing Battle

The internet is rife with complaints of predominantly single-player games being marred by a bolt-on multiplayer mode, but with Battlefield the opposite has always been true. DICE’s shooter series is famous for its defining online warfare; grand scale conflicts fought across land, sea and air,…

GamingLives Podcast Episode Three

GamingLives Podcast Episode Three

And so the GamingLives Podcast becomes a trilogy, with the completion of episode three. This week the team travels back to the good old days to ponder the generational gaps between gamers; will a game like GTA IV ever be considered as “retro”? Lorna gets…

Is Replay Value Vanishing from FPS?

Is Replay Value Vanishing from FPS?

Today’s gaming industry is a fast moving one. Trends come and go, games flourish or wither depending on a large number of variables, developers on the climb one month, find themselves languishing and in danger the next. At the heart of all the goings on…