Browsing all posts tagged with recession.

38 Studios Lays Off Entire Staff

It seems that the woes of 38 Studios have increased, as news comes that the troubled company has now laid off its entire staff.  Not only has the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning developer suffered, but so has its sister company, Big Huge Games, which has…

Amalur Developer, 38 Studios, Struggling

Misery loves company and it seems that the current financial woes continue apace for the games industry, with yet another studio in trouble.  This time, it is the turn of 38 Studios – developer of Kingdoms of Amalur.  According to Develop-Online, the Rhode Island…

DTP Insolvency Risks Rupturing Pending Releases

Anyone who tells you that the recession is over is obviously letting too many Cosmos, served by their personal butler, go to their head, as for most of us it is very much a reality, with publishers cutting back, studios closing, and now, another loss…