Browsing all posts tagged with Portal 2.

The Gaming Bucket List

The Gaming Bucket List

"I know something you don't know... I know something you don't know..." “Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go when we die?”… three questions to which Stephen Hawking probably knows the answers, but refuses to publish because he’s sick…

When I (Finally) Grow Up, I Want To Be…

When I (Finally) Grow Up, I Want To Be…

Okay. So I’m not exactly “un” grown up. In fact, the past month of my life has seen the most drastic adult decisions of my life. The last time you met me I was sitting back and taking stock of my first day of unemployment.…

Cave Johnson Returns To Talk New Portal 2 DLC

Cave Johnson is back!  That is all you really need to know to have a happy Friday, but if you insist on more, then we’ll elaborate.  Sadly, the great man himself is still reclining in that big, lemonless facility in the sky, but this new…