Browsing all posts tagged with pile of shame.

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout

For more than five years, my life as a gamer has consisted of me playing a combination of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Borderlands, and Borderlands 2.  In terms of hours, Borderlands is likely at the top of that chart with…

Our 2014 Gaming Resolutions

Our 2014 Gaming Resolutions

In a confession ill-suited for someone who considers themselves a writer (of sorts, anyway), I often find it hard to set and focus on appropriate goals, and it’s a habit that seeps into every realm I dare enter. However, I’m more inclined to set out…

Our 2013 Gaming Resolutions

Our 2013 Gaming Resolutions

With another year beginning comes another attempt at a “New Year’s Resolution”, essentially self-imposed achievements and trophies waiting to unleash their iconic jingles once we’ve completed the challenges we’ve set ourselves. What makes these even more lucrative to the collection of achievement whores and trophy…