Browsing all posts tagged with pile of shame.

Mars Ain’t The Kind Of Place To Raise Your Kids

Mars Ain’t The Kind Of Place To Raise Your Kids

I have many, many games to play in my ‘Pile of Shame’, a phrase coined so often by gamers fighting the deluge of titles to play that it is starting to lose all meaning. I, unlike other gamers, don’t just include titles I’ve purchased but…

Saturation Point

Saturation Point

I never thought I’d say it but I’ve reached the point in my gaming career where I actually have too many games to play. Like a sponge soaking up water, I’ve been buying games and adding them to my collection left, right and centre but…

Does It Matter If You Play Them?

Does It Matter If You Play Them?

Every gamer I’ve ever known or spoken to has one of those piles. Stacks. Heaps. Fuck it, ROOMS. The ‘To-Play Pile’. For some, it consists of a few AAA releases, which slipped through the net, or which got bunched up in a backlog during a…