Browsing all posts tagged with Payday 2.

The Richie Report – The Metallic Helix Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Metallic Helix Retrospective

It’s the day after the General Election and we’re all pissed off. It’s not easy living as part of a nation of dickheads. This is why we need games. Virtual worlds with no David Cameron in them. I wonder if the Assassin’s Creed equivalents of…

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

“lynch the multiplayer”
Hello readers! It’s only been a month since we last caught up and tons has happened. Aside from lots of interesting news about the incoming next-gen consoles, we’ve also had a fucking stack of games, son. A STACK! August be crazy. First…