Browsing all posts tagged with Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise.

Naughty Bear: Panic In Paradise – Review

Naughty Bear: Panic In Paradise – Review

On its release in 2010, Naughty Bear garnered something of a mixed reception.  On the one hand, critics slated it for its repetitive, often limited, gameplay, while others adored the concept and character and managed to overlook the flaws and glitches to savour the game…

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise Release Date Set

We’ve been keeping a beady eye on 505 Games’ upcoming Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise (which received our ‘Just Play It’ award after we previewed it earlier this year) for some time now, and now it seems that the wait for a release is almost…

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise Gameplay Trailer

If you’ve taken the time to either read our E3 preview of Panic In Paradise, or the interview with Creative Director, Ashley Pannell, you’ll know that the follow-up to the heavily-criticised Naughty Bear is more than just a sequel.  If bears really do…