Browsing all posts tagged with MMOs.

City Of Heroes – Latest Update Details

Gamers enjoying the now free-to-play MMO, City of Heroes, should be pleased at the latest announcement from NCsoft and Paragon Studios about the upcoming major update – the first, since it went free-to-play.  City of Heroes Issue 22: Death Incarnate will be introducing stack of…

Party Pooper

Party Pooper

There are rules to every party. You need to have someone there that craves attention, someone who has to be louder than everyone else and have all focus directed at them. Then there are the random people who just turn up, who talk to no…

The Secret World – Preview

The Secret World – Preview

Forget what you think you know. Imagine a world where the lost city of Shambala suddenly reappeared on the world map, imagine a time where the lost city of Atlantis rises out of the sea and imagine a time where the earth that we live…