Browsing all posts tagged with MMOs.

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

The Elder Scrolls Online – Preview

Although I love the freedom that they bring, I’ve never found myself truly connecting with open-world gaming. I was one of the many under-age teenagers salivating at the prospect of getting GTA: San Andreas, but by the half-way point I found myself yearning for the…

World of Tanks On Xbox 360 – E3 Preview

World of Tanks On Xbox 360 – E3 Preview

With more players than some of the greatest leaders of our world have had armies, Wargaming have a formidable force in the name of World of Tanks – one of the most successful applications of the free-to-play formula, and now an upcoming console version for…

One World, Every Player

One World, Every Player

Massively Multiplayer Games (MMOs) have always been attractive to me because they fill me with an optimistic hope that they’ll be able to offer something I will always want from a game, which is the chance to truly live inside its world.  I will always…