Browsing all posts tagged with Mass Effect.

Open Up

Open Up

There are times in life when you have to let yourself go, open yourself up to whatever is thrown at you. There will be times when the only option available to you is to break down and cry, no matter how tough you think you…

I Heart… Alpha Protocol

I Heart… Alpha Protocol

I hesitated on making a commitment to Alpha Protocol last year. I had other engagements at the time and I figured the wealth of unflattering comments floating around had to have at least a little merit. So, though I was tempted initially, I held off,…

Insert Disc Two? Are You Mad?

Insert Disc Two? Are You Mad?

There are times in my life where I read a news story and wonder “is this classed as real news now, or is it just a really slow day today?” For instance, I recently saw that NASA had come out and said that the sci-fi…