Browsing all posts tagged with Mario.

A Non-Controversial Look At Controversy

A Non-Controversial Look At Controversy

Madonna - Saving the world a village at a time Controversy is one of those things that make the world go around; it sells newspapers when a politician says something about immigration and everyone wonders if he’s being just a little bit racist. It sells…

Mario’s 25th Anniversary Video Contest

Nintendo have announced a video contest to celebrate their Italian plumber’s 25th birthday. Yes, it really has been a quarter of a century since Mario first bounced into our lives, created by Nintendo legend and terminally happy chappy, Shigeru Miyamoto.  While we’re busy crying into…

Welcome Home, Nintendo?

Welcome Home, Nintendo?

What's the worst that can happen? Growing up I was very much in the Nintendo camp. Sure, the likes of Sega tempted me and then later on Sony flaunted its undergarments in my direction with the birth of the Playstation, but Nintendo was always in…