Browsing all posts tagged with Kid Icarus Uprising.

Kid Icarus: Uprising Multiplayer Details Revealed

It seems like that E3 2010 announcement of the return of Kid Icarus was an absolute eternity away, which is why we’ve flagged somewhat in our enthusiasm for the release, slated for 23rd March this year. Still, it has been 25 years since the winged…

Nintendo Unleashed Showcase

Nintendo Unleashed Showcase

Back at the beginning of the year I was lucky enough to get a preview with the then upcoming Nintendo 3DS, along with some of the major games that would be coming out in the first few months of release. I left that event massively…

Kid Icarus Is Back!

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”  After last night’s announcement, long time Kid Icarus fans won’t care, they’ll be too busy celebrating, because Pit is back.  At Nintendo’s E3 conference yesterday (read more about it from Ed) the mysterious Project Sora was finally announced…