Browsing all posts tagged with Kalypso Media.

Omerta: City of Gangsters – E3 Preview

Omerta: City of Gangsters – E3 Preview

Having had a rather odd upbringing, which I should add is no fault of my parents but rather my own imagination, there were several things that I had always separately considered as being a great way to live your life. The first was as the…

Demonicon Screens Released Into The Light

With this year’s gaming schedules already filling up fast, we’re already getting more glimpses of the titles lining up for 2013, and one such release is Demonicon, the action RPG from Kalypso Media.  Set in the universe of ‘The Dark Eye’, Demonicon spins the tale…

Omerta – City Of Gangsters Announced

In a move that will make the mob-minded and strategy crowd happier than if they’d found a horse’s head in their beds, Kalypso Media have just announced their latest title, Omerta – City of Gangsters.  The title, set in 1920s Atlantic City, promises strategy based…