Browsing all posts tagged with Kalypso Media.

Elements of War Coming Feb. 2011

Those who like their gaming more strategy based than in-your-face with a shotgun full of nails should sit up and take note of new RTS on the block, Elements of War.  Coming in early 2011, Kalypso Media have released some interesting looking screens of their…

Patrician IV: Review

Patrician IV: Review

About six years ago I was rooting around in the increasingly shrinking PC section of my nearest GAME store, searching for the rare truffles occasionally obscured behind the accumulated dross of the discounted titles shelf, when I came across a game that I had never…

Darkstar One: Broken Alliance

Darkstar One: Broken Alliance

Sometimes it’s hard to be an Xbox owner. Giving all your love to just two genres. Yep, FPS games and hack and slashers. It’s an epidemic frankly and whilst we’re here mashing Xs and Ys or squeezing the right trigger, the PC gamers are loving…