Browsing all posts tagged with Infamous: Second Son.

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout – The Aftermath

My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout – The Aftermath

You may recall that, last January, I wrote an article which told of how my lack of experience as a ‘modern gamer’ comes down solely to my inability to stop playing Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, or Borderlands.  I have always been…

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

The Richie Report – The Anno 2014 Retrospective

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. That’s right, it’s a FESTIVE END OF YEAR RICHIE REPORT all up in your sweet, baffled faces. I’m coming down YOUR CHIMNEY and I’ve got a bag full of OPINIONS. Of course, Christmas isn’t quite what it…

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

The Richie Report – The Formicidae Extermination: Experiment Six of Sixteen

“the last Richie Report? No.”
Has it really been a month since the last Richie Report? No. It’s been way longer but that’s great as it means I can actually write about some games rather than padding out some bullshit with jokes about piss or…