Browsing all posts tagged with GTA V.

Best of 2015: My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout – The Aftermath

Best of 2015: My Gap Year: Borderlands and Fallout – The Aftermath

First Published: Feb 20, 2015
Voted For By: Chris, Ric, Ed, Lorna
Reason(s) For Vote:
“I always enjoy gamers coming out of their respective shells to try new things. I find it fascinating and I challenged myself to play different things a couple of years

Best of 2015: Great Times Ahead: Late to the GTA Party (Bearhugger70 Exploded You)

Best of 2015: Great Times Ahead: Late to the GTA Party (Bearhugger70 Exploded You)

First Published: Mar 11, 2015
Voted For By: Tim, Ed
Reason(s) For Vote:
“Whether it was in Liberty City, Vice City or San Andreas, GTA has the power to engross you like few other games.  As with anything popular, from the outside looking in it

Great Times Ahead: Late to the GTA Party (Bearhugger70 Exploded You)

Great Times Ahead: Late to the GTA Party (Bearhugger70 Exploded You)

There are those who, in my experience, practically live and die by the release schedule of the Grand Theft Auto games.  When a new teaser is made public, they will scrutinise every single pixel in the hopes of finding out something… anything… to tide them…