Browsing all posts tagged with GTA V.

What’s So Special About Games?

What’s So Special About Games?

It seems as though these days you can’t swing a cat without hitting a “controversial” video game; something that has stirred outrage within sections of the gaming community, the whole gaming community or often that mainstream media we hear so much about. This isn’t a…

Grand Theft Auto V – Review

Grand Theft Auto V – Review

Has there ever been a game more hyped-up than Grand Theft Auto V?  Whether you’re a fan or a hater, gamer or non-believer, no matter who you are or where you are, when GTA fever kicks in, mass hysteria ensues.  It’s the hottest topic…

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

The Richie Report: The Creepy Gigolo’s Payday

“lynch the multiplayer”
Hello readers! It’s only been a month since we last caught up and tons has happened. Aside from lots of interesting news about the incoming next-gen consoles, we’ve also had a fucking stack of games, son. A STACK! August be crazy. First…