Browsing all posts tagged with Gears Of War.

Gears Of War 4 – Multiplayer Beta Impressions

Gears Of War 4 – Multiplayer Beta Impressions

Coming out of the Gears Of War 4 multiplayer beta, it’s at once pleasingly reassuring and slightly disappointing to know that new developer The Coalition are building a Gears game very much in the traditional Gears mould for Microsoft’s second-biggest franchise’s proper Xbox One debut.…

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

The Richie Report – The Low Resi / High Reso Satisfaction Ratio

Hello, readers! You thought I’d forgotten about you? Believe me. I forget NOTHING. The extended break since our last Richie Report is really just down to the fact that 2015 has been such a slow starter you’d think that it had been born with 2014′s…

Do You Dream In Colour?

Do You Dream In Colour?

Has a lifetime of gaming fucked my eyes or has there been a distinct lack of colour in the gaming world for a while now? I was raised by a sentient ZX Spectrum that had a display capability of eight colours (fifteen if you include…