Browsing all posts tagged with gamescom 2012 preview.

Tink – Preview

Tink – Preview

Over the last couple of years, as realistic and gritty shooters have enjoyed a boom in popularity, it’s hard to escape the feeling that the colour is draining from gaming. All too often games are proudly exhibited with the best new graphics, but with a…

Sacred 3 – Preview

Sacred 3 – Preview

Diablo II was one of the games that shaped me as a gamer. In fact, some of my earliest gaming memories involve endlessly looting and clicking-related wrist injuries. Well, perhaps not actual injuries, but it felt like there should have been with the amount of…

Star Conflict – Preview

Star Conflict – Preview

Space is friggin’ huge, and the universe is constantly expanding, so why do people have to keep fighting over it? There isn’t a piece of sci-fi that I can think of that has a nice, happy, unified galaxy that has everyone living in harmony, and…