Impire – Preview
Dungeon Keeper is one of those games that you could call a classic in every sense of the word. Its style made it stand out, and gave us that first taste of really playing the bad guy, and now the team at Cyanide Studio have…
Dungeon Keeper is one of those games that you could call a classic in every sense of the word. Its style made it stand out, and gave us that first taste of really playing the bad guy, and now the team at Cyanide Studio have…
When Lost Planet 3 was announced, it came as a surprise to me – Lost Planet 2 had received generally mediocre reviews and had not sold as well as Capcom had hoped, and plenty of people thought that the second iteration of the game would…
Sometimes the most unexpected of games can turn out to be some of the most interesting, and with this in mind I turned up to my meeting with Deep Silver unsure of what lay in store for me; I knew of some of the titles…